Silver Homecoming Dresses - How to Pick 'Em

Silver homecoming dresses are a very pretty choice. However, you don't often see someone wearing a silver homecoming dress. But, that's no reason to overlook it! There are loads of great reasons why you should pick out silver homecoming dresses—and it all starts with your skin tone. So, if you're interested in seeing why YOU should pick out this particular color...well, read on!

Skin tone

Silver homecoming dresses look the best on those that have a bluish undertone to their skin as opposed to those that have a yellowish one. This isn't saying that if you have a warmer tone that you can't wear silver—go for it if you want to! But, it will look better on those that have a blue undertone. That's important to keep in mind as you're choosing your dresses. However, you also need to remember that you should try on the dress beforehand—who knows, maybe your skin tone won't affect it! Think it over whilst choosing!


Most of the time, silver homecoming dresses are silkier instead of fluffy and ruffly. This is something that you should definitely keep in mind as you're picking out your silver homecoming dresses. You have a wide variety of choices and that's something that every girl should keep in mind...but also remember that certain colors will be more popular in certain styles, even silver homecoming dresses. Keep that in mind.

It's different

While it's a popular choice, people still prefer other colors over silver homecoming dresses. Not a lot of people will show up wearing this particular it's something that's both nice AND different. Not bad when you're looking for a little bit of variety! So, if you're looking for something new, adventurous...and that you can match pretty much anything else with...don't hesitate to check into silver homecoming dresses!

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