Green Homecoming Dresses -Yes or No?

When it comes to green homecoming dresses, different people have different opinions regarding this color. However, there are a few pros and cons to green homecoming dresses. This is simply an overview of reasons why someone would or couldn't want to wear a green dress. Remember that the choice is still up to you—and hey, if you look amazing in the dress, regardless of the color...just go ahead and wear it!


Green homecoming dresses can be complimentary towards all different skin colors. The main reason is that it has both the blue tones that you're looking for...and you have a wide makeup selection for this particular type of homecoming dress as well. Green homecoming dresses also go well with pretty much anything and are great if you plan on wearing flowers on your outfit or any broaches of any kind. It's up to you. You also have a wider selection as far as makeup goes for green homecoming dresses. You can choose any flowery color...which is pretty much any color!


On the other hand, some people feel that this would perhaps be way too “grassy” and would much rather not wear green homecoming dresses. Others think that perhaps green isn't the best color simply because it only looks “dressy” in one shade. Others feel that green homecoming dresses also make them feel like a plant, elf, or just not like themselves. Either way, there are mixed feelings regarding it.

The Best Way to Decide... to just try on the dresses. You can't be sure what the green homecoming dresses look like on you until you finally get around to putting them on! Make sure to take the time to try on any dress that you want and then go from there! You have loads of great options!

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